How to do an FFP fit check

23 Feb 2022
Categories: News

An FFP fit check (or fit test) is carried out after donning (putting on) an FFP style mask. (Instructions on how best to do this in a previous post). A fit check is necessary to ensure that there is a tight seal around the face. A tight seal provides the best protection for the wearer as well as the people around them.

Well-fitting FFP2 masks reduce the (Covid-19) risk at least into the per thousand range.

How to do an FFP fit check

  1. Ensure you pinch the adjustable tab tight around the nose
  2. Cup the hands over your face and blow out
  3. Check to ensure that there is no air coming out around the outside
  4. The mask should move in and out when you take a deep breath
  5. Air should not leak around the edges

This video below from Professor Martin Cormican of the Irish Health Service (HSE) shows how to do a fit check using an Irema Facemate FFP2 respirator mask.



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