Palas air filtration seminar – ISO 16890

23 Nov 2017
Categories: Events

Irema attended the first international Air Filtration seminar on the new ISO 16890 by PALAS in Karlsruhe, Germany, 21 – 22  November 2017



The seminar debated current issues in filter testing. There were exciting lectures by speakers from universities and institutes as well as from the industry:

  • ISO 16890, new standardisation for indoor air filters
  • Test of compressed air filters
  • New developments of filter test systems
  • Ageing effects on filter elements

The moderator, Prof. Dr. Eberhard Schmidt from the University of Wuppertal, guided everyone through the seminar program.

Following the air filtration seminar, Irema held a workshop demonstrating filter test rigs (22nd November 2017). This workshop gave additional  insight into PALAS calibration laboratory with the new calibration test rigs for aerosol spectrometers and condensation particle counters.

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